18 February, 2013
Chicken Broth Recipes

Chicken Broth is a comfort food when you have the sniffles and is a key ingredient in many soups and other recipes. It is very simple to make and homemade can taste so much better than store bought plus when you make your own chicken broth you know what has gone into it.
Chicken broth recipes made from scratch are tasty and just say feel better. There’s an old joke that chicken broth is “Jewish Penicillin”. It’s good for what ails you and is warm and soothing and makes you feel good like only mom or grandma can.
Chicken Broth and Stock Recipes
Chicken Broth in a Slow Cooker
Chicken Broth Recipes
How to Make Homemade Chicken Broth
Easy Chicken Broth Recipe
1 whole chicken
2 large onions
3 carrots, sliced
3 celery stalks, cut in 2 inch pieces
salt and pepper to taste
Place ingredients in a large pot and cover. Add water to cover. Bring to a boil. Skim off foam that forms on top. Simmer, partially covered for 2 to 3 hours.
Remove chicken and vegetables and strain broth. Taste for seasoning. Refrigerate until cool. Remove any fat that has formed on the top. Broth is now ready to reheat and serve or use in other recipes.
3 – Organic Whole Chicken 3-3.5# each
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